Customer Discovery Process

Midcontract’s core team knows freelance and outsourcing collaboration and payment problems well because we have experienced it firsthand. But when it comes to building the right solution, we can’t do it on our own.

The Customer Discovery Process gives us a way to partner with people and companies feeling the pain of the problem we’re solving. Through this partnership, we discover the right thing to build and the right way to build it.

How exactly does it work?

  1. You keep operating business as usual

  2. We spend time understanding your specific needs and challenges and implementing reasonable of them into Midcontract UX

  3. You'll have early access to our designs and prototypes, providing us with invaluable feedback for iteration

  4. If our solution aligns with your needs, we invite you to pilot-test it

  5. Satisfaction with the pilot leads to full integration, with you as an esteemed Midcontract user

What’s in it for you?

  1. You influence the development of features that cater specifically to your needs

  2. Explore and validate our solutions without any financial commitment for premium feature subscriptions

  3. You get our dedicated team's support and expertise

What’s in it for us?

  1. We build a better product by having direct access to our customers and users

  2. We validate who our customers are and that they will actually use what we build

  3. Having happy customers willing to vouch for us will make getting more customers a lot easier

What’s the catch?

You don’t have to pay to take part in the discovery process. You also don’t have to commit to using Midcontract. And you can stop working with us at any time.

The only thing that we ask of you is that you lend us your time, about an hour a week so that we can learn about your business and get your feedback.

So the biggest risk to both of us is time. This is because there’s always the risk that things won’t work out. We may discover that we can’t actually build what you need. Or we can’t build it in a timeframe that works for you.

Let’s Talk.

If you're interested in shaping the future of contract management and ensuring your needs are met with cutting-edge solutions, we invite you to join the process:

Last updated