🏰Origin Story

The Inception of Midcontract

The genesis of Midcontract wasn't an overnight epiphany but a response to a recurring challenge we faced in our software development company. Our journey into creating this project began not from a place of innovation for innovation's sake, but from a pressing need to address the relentless issue of non-payment by clients. This problem wasn't sporadic; it was an annual ordeal that significantly impacted our financial stability. Clients would, without justification, abruptly stop fulfilling their payment obligations, leaving us in a lurch. This issue was not a reflection of the quality of our work but rather their decision to default. These experiences were not just setbacks; they were a call to action.

The final straw came from a particularly delinquent client who owed us $60,000. This wasn't just a number; it represented a considerable amount of effort, resources, and faith placed in a system that consistently failed to protect us. Our reliance on freelance platforms, notably Upwork, offered little solace. Despite its vast marketplace, Upwork's mechanisms for dispute resolution and financial protection were insufficient, especially when faced with the daunting prospect of pre-court and legal battles. The platform's decision to double the minimum commission from 5% to 10% only added insult to injury, illustrating a growing disconnect between the platform's interests and those of the freelancers and agencies it served.

Our story is one of transformation, driven by the frustration of unjust financial losses and the inadequacies of existing freelance marketplaces to provide a fair, secure contracting environment.

Midcontract was conceived from these challenges, with a clear goal: to create a platform that not only addresses the risk of non-payment but does so in a way that is fair, transparent, and equitable for all parties involved.

We envisioned a system that provides more than just a marketplace for projects; we aimed to build a community where financial integrity and trust are paramount.

Midcontract represents our commitment to turning our adversities into a solution that benefits the wider freelance and contracting community. We're not just another platform; we're a response to the unmet needs of freelancers and agencies tired of fighting the same battles we faced. By offering escrow-backed contracts, lower fees, and blockchain-verified professional passports, we're not just addressing the symptoms of the problem; we're redefining the landscape of freelance work. Our story, rooted in real-world challenges and the pursuit of justice, is what drives Midcontract. We invite you to be part of a platform where your work is respected, your rights are protected, and your professional growth is supported.

Welcome to Midcontract, where we're not just changing how contracts are managed; we're building a community that values fairness, security, and trust above all.

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